Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management

Heavy assets are often the most expensive cost center of an organization. Managing assets to achieve the greatest return is mission-critical for today’s CEOs.

fairsystems’ asset management experts have the battle scars to prove their experience and results. We coach, train, and sustain entire organizations to optimize assets through our rigorous asset performance improvement process. In industries worldwide, we help companies:

  • Reduce operating ratios, adding better value to stakeholders and better service to clients;
  • Improve asset efficiency, the single greatest impact on operating ratios;
  • Strengthen agility – matching fleet size to economic demand – especially during times of economic volatility;
  • Achieve an optimum balance between predictive maintenance and run to failure;
  • Identify Asset Management Index in order to minimize unnecessary investments.
A disciplined, structured process for the long haul.

We bring the greatest impact to enterprise asset management by improving the efficiency of the asset through what we call precision operations. We use an industrial engineering process to:

  • Strengthen maintenance operations reliability and efficiency;
  • Improve first-time quality;
  • Sustain maintenance efficiency through performance improvements.

We work across industries providing clients with real-world knowledge, best practices, and a management system that improves productivity, reinforces compliance, and sustains leadership.

Our operations-derived approach focuses on identifying the systems, methods, tools, and procedures needed to optimize costs, performance, and risks for the complete asset life cycle.